We hope you are doing well and blessed. Thank you for taking the time to read our update!
We as a family are doing well, God has been faithful and good (as He always is). As a family, we would like to announce to you that we are expecting a new family member! We couldn’t be happier about this news. Mama and baby are healthy. We kindly ask you for your prayers for Rozanne, baby, and pregnancy in general.
Our work in Romania:
Rozanne is changing the dynamic of the group of moms. They will keep meeting weekly but, every other week, there will be dinner only with the moms (without the children) in order to be able to have deeper conversations and focus on sharing and encouraging each other with the word of God.
Our church in the city is growing, and we can only praise God for it. Now that the summer is done more students are coming to the church and just 2 weeks ago we had over 30 people. we barely fit the space! We are happy and honored to see God working in our city.
Our church in the gypsy village of Corbesti is also growing! Just one month ago we held its first baptism, 5 people! At the first service, there were just a few people. Now, we don't fit in the room, there is barely space to stand and preach, Praise God! We are asking God what is the next step, pray with us for direction. Our team has started discipleship classes for the locals. The idea as we shared before, is that in the future locals take over the church.
Our work with Ukraine:
There is some hard news we have to share with you. Sadly, after doing all the paperwork, having a place prepared, and even a school for children from the orphanage, the government said no, without explaining. Their reason and I quote “Many children have left and they don't want to come back anymore”. There is nothing we can do about it, we tried all the options possible. Join us in prayer so that these children will remain safe as the war continues.
We are helping a local organization that helps around 150 Ukrainian refugees in our city. At this moment they started to do therapy art as a way to help with the trauma and depression. We were able to donate materials such as Canvas, acrylics, and easels. At the moment they have 25-30 people who are receiving this therapy. They are lacking the finances to be able to support this program, they need €300-. per month to be able to do all the sessions. Their plan is to do this till December. Please pray for provision and feel free to contact us if you wish to support it!
As well, Alejandro is going into Ukraine with 3 more members of our team, from November 16th till 22th. They will be bringing warm clothes for the winter, for the children of the orphanage, and for the military. As well as different medical supplies and personal care items.
As well, they will be doing a conference for the local church of Lviv, focusing on youth, marriage workshops, and family. We believe that this will encourage so many families who for so long have been living in tension, and fear and feel spiritually and emotionally exhausted and need to be refreshed.
We need the finances to make this trip and conference happen. The detailed cost of the trip is:
Fuel: €325
Food: €250
Accommodation: €250
Conference (Food for the guests and preparations): €600
Activity with the children: €250
Extra/Emergency: €400
TOTAL: €2075-.
If you wish to donate please go to “Donations” or feel free to contact us. All your donations towards this will be used only for Ukraine.
Thank you for partnering with us and being part of what God is doing in Romania and Ukraine. It is important for us that you know that your support makes this beautiful thing that you read of, a reality, you are part of this! Pictures below.
God bless you all!
Alejandro, Rozanne, Naӓra and baby.
7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.8 He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor.9 For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. 1 Corinthians 3:7-9