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  • Writer's pictureAlejandro Venegas

God of the impossible-Newsletter March 2024

Updated: Apr 12

Hello! We hope you are doing well! We are doing really good! So much that we want to share with you today!

In February, we welcomed our son Zion Jedaiah! We are thankful and full of joy with this beautiful gift of life that has been trusted now to us.

After serving in Targu Mures and serving together with YWAM, our season here has come to an end. Beautiful things have happened here, God has done good work. After 5 years the ministry was going to a transition of leadership and repurpose, which is also good and exciting. But, as a family we believe that God is calling us to a different city and ministry.

Today, we find ourselves in the process of searching for an apartment in the city of Cluj-Napoca, in which we know the Lord is leading us. We are excited for what is to come and to tell you more about what we will be doing there.

On February 7, as a family, we bought a property in Cluj-Napoca. We found a property that was big enough to have built-in 2 houses, but the price was beyond what we could imagine. It seemed impossible for us to afford something like. Still we prayed to the Lord, and we talked with the owner, we shared our vision and work in Romania for the last years. The next day he agreed on a price 25% lower than the original price! Even then, we didn’t have the money for it, but our Lord did. The land was provided by God and 3 days later the money came in, really a miracle; We are still amazed and deeply thankful with the Lord.

It has always been in our hearts to build a home in Romania, as it is where God has called us to serve Him for the last 7 years.  As well, the reason why we bought this property is because we will build a place of shelter/refuge for people who are in crisis, such as victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, etc. Something important to note is that, today Romania is a primary source country for sex trafficking and labor trafficking victims in Europe.

Again, God has blessed us with this dream. Talking to the architect/engineer, she gave us an excellent price to handle all the paperwork for building permits, design, etc. For our future home. And she said that for the ministry house, she would do everything for free because she felt it was from the Lord. God has been so good; we see everyday that this is His desire too. He knows the people who will be blessed, protected, helped, and loved in that home. 

We don't have the money to start building the ministry home and our family home, but we find peace in how good the Lord has been, and we believe in His provision.

As well, together with partners from America, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine, we have also begun to develop a place called Lighthouse in Cluj, and the purpose is as follows:

“The Lighthouse is an expression of God's welcoming, pursuing, and radical love. We create hospitable spaces that allow for the experience of belonging to the world that Jesus loves. As a platform and missional community, our goal is not to lead people to a particular church but to ignite spiritual awareness of Jesus' love and invite them to join the Spirit's mission with us.’’

Alejandro will be starting (as soon as we are able to move in Cluj) a men’s ministry for husbands and singles. Seeing the need of a healthy and godly man in society, we believe it is of vital importance to invest and disciple men.

As well, on May 4th, Alejandro will be going into Ukraine to bring donations and provide counseling to the local church members. We are currently fundraising to cover this trip. If you wish to support it please click on Donations for the different ways you can give. Any amount is a big blessing.

Please pray for:

  • God’s wisdom and favor for our family as we navigate through this new season in our lives.

  • God’s provision and partners for the construction of the ministry house.

  • Finances to rent an apartment in Cluj (it is an expensive city).

  • God’s care and protection for our family.

  • For the Lord’s gospel to impact the lives of the Romanian.

  • For those in Ukraine who have lost their loved one is this heartbreaking war.

Exciting things, and an awesome God!

Thank you for your support, love, and prayers. (Pictures below)

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