Hey there! We hope you all are doing well.
As you may know, war broke open in Ukraine last month after the Russian invasion.
The situation it is heartbreaking, mothers with babies in arms waiting more than 7 hours in the freezing cold to be processed at the border, teenagers leaving their families and homes behind to look for a safe place to live all by their own, women who had to leave their husbands, sons, parents behind in order to survive, families that have no home to go back, fearful people in an unknown country and language hoping that the next stranger they meet will take care of them and not abuse them. There are no words to describe such a situation.
Still, in the midst of so much darkness, there has been light as well. People, foundations, churches in Romania have taken a stand to help out Ukranians with food, housing, health care, clothing, and love.
Romanians have mobilized country wide to help, and this is beautiful.
Many have found hope and comfort and love in Jesus.
There is a lot of need, so we have been really busy.
Thanks to all of your donations we have been able to:
Offer free transportation to different points of the country.
Baby supplies.
Train and flight tickets for them to reunite with family in different EU countries.
Medical supplies and food transport inside of Ukraine.
Financial aid to different ministries inside Ukraine.
The job is not done yet, there is much more to be done. Many of the Ukranians that came into Romania have transit to other countries where they have families or friends, but at the same time, there is a big number of people that have remained in the country, they have nowhere else to go.
At the same time, we continue our work among the gypsy community. We are working in a community called Band (around 20 km away).
There, we support a local pastor and next week we will hold the first children's service ever in the community. Will be beautiful to share God with the kids.
We are also working on community development.
Our recent project is the construction of a fence around the graveyard.
Gypsies aren’t allowed to bury their people in an official government graveyard, therefore the local government gave them an empty piece of land to bury them there.
This piece of land is full of trash, children play football over the graves, there is even a tractor crossing through the field. Yes, a TRACTOR! Can you imagine this happening to you?
For them it is really important to have a place in which they can mourn and pay their respects and love to those who were once part of their life.
That’s why we want to honor them and fundraise for the materials needed to build it, the community will do the labor.
We are still missing €1000-.
Together with a local ministry we have started a moms group in which the goal is to encourage each other with Jesus as our hope and to create a safe space/environment to share about our struggles but also wonders in motherhood.
Ways you can pray for us:
Pray for Ukraine: For peace. For the many families that are trapped and for those who are searching for a safe place. Pray against the human traffickers that want to take advantage of this situation. Pray for those who have lost their beloved ones. Pray that in this darkness they are living in, they can see the hope in Jesus.
Pray for the Gypsy community: Pray that the heart of the Mayor turns in favor of the community. Pray for God's provision for their families. Pray for job opportunities and for open doors to improve their life condition. Pray for the Joy of the Lord to reach out to them.
Pray for our family: Pray that God’s favor be upon us. Pray for wisdom for our decision making. Pray for our health, that we can be strong to carry this work for the kingdom of God. Pray for our finances to be able to maintain our family and to be here and bless others with our life and our work.
We have opened our own foundation: By Faith We Walk. This is very exciting for us, because this makes us able to do more work in the future. Soon we hope to have our own bank account and ANBI status as well!
Following on this new foundation we have opened our own website: www.byfaithwewalk.org. Here you can find more information about us and what we are doing, we will also post our quarterly newsletter on this website. If you want to follow more frequently what we are doing you can follow us on instagram: by_faith_we_walk.
We just want to say a big THANK YOU! to all of you, who have been praying, supporting and donating for this work to be done. God bless you all.
Alejandro, Rozanne & Naära.
If you wish to donate, you can do this through:
Bank Transfer NETHERLANDS:
NL53 RABO 0149 4095 59